Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Road Trip!

That time of year has come again, where I have to renew my 'carnet de passage' - the temporary import permit for my car. To do that, I have to drive down to South Africa...!

I am setting off on this marathon drive early, 5am and will hopefully be arriving in Pretoria (South Africa) late Saturday evening. Please pray for a safe drive, good companionship and laughs, and that all the radar speed guns will miraculously jam just as we pass ;-)

The proposed route is as follows:

Day 1: Pemba - Mocuba
Day 2: Mocuba - Inhassoro
Day 3: Inhassoro - Lindela
Day 4: Lindela - Pretoria

So, as usual I shall let ya'll know how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. what does it say when I'm looking at your page? glad the radar guns jam. Is it raspberry or boisenberry? Think it would be cool if we crash at your parents house in May? Is it true SAA isn't traveling to Pemba any more?
