Monday, September 17, 2007

A Day at the Beach with the Boys

Photos by: Raphael Vaney

Saturday was a fully packed day with lots happening - I am glad that I had Sunday off too, to recover from all the 'relaxing' I did!

As usual the day started with pancakes (which were delicious!), then I went to pick up 12 of the Iris boys (aged 10-12) who live in Raphael's dorm. I had offered to drive them to Murrebue - and they were very excited to finally go. The morning had started off rainy, but by 11am the sun was out and the sky a perfect blue.

There were 12 boys, Rapha, Brandon, Eric, 2 dogs (Bala and Jahu) and myself going - so we took 2 cars!

At the beach Rapha played soccer with the boys while Brandon, Eric and I took the dogs for a long walk down the beach, stopping for a chat at a soon-to-open restaurant run by a lovely Italian family.

By the time we got back to the Murrebue restaurant the food had been served and the kids tucked into their chicken meals. I had ordered the battered and fried prawns - mmm mmmm mmmmmm! so good!

After lunch the tide had finally come in, so we could go swim!

- everyone headed into the ocean and we played a totally unorganized game of "volley balll/'piggy-in-the-middle'/throw the ball to anyone you want to" with the boys. It was very energetic to say the least! Raphael and Eric where throwing the boys into the air so that they could do backflips into the water,

The boys also started a small seaweed fight and some of them would sneak up on me and grab my ankles! They loved it - and it was great to see some male missionaries around who could just play with the boys.

So loads of fun, but I was exhausted by the end of the day - when we dropped the kids back at the center they each came to give me a hug and say thank you!

The day didnt end there - I made dinner with my neighbours, and then we watched a movie - so I got to bed quite late, but it was a fun day!

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