Monday, January 29, 2007

Eulogy for an Apple

It is with great sadness that I bring you this news...

My trusty little Apple iBook G4 has kicked the bucket, bought the farm, bit the dust, faded away, is pushing up daisies (well, its not really bio-degradable...) Fair enough it was getting on in years, having been a faithful companion to Rolland Baker (he got it new), then Shara (Heidi's PA) who used it to near death, then instead of throwing it away it was given to: ME - This was the bestest present I was given in 2006, going from having nothing to having SOMETHING that could go online, write university assignments, blogs and play DVDs.

My 'lil mac was only with me for 8 months, but they were 8 fun-filled months.
I will remember 'lil mac fondly, my very first laptop...

Rest In Peace

Friday, January 26, 2007

6 Weeks of Bliss

Now I know that it hardly seems fair that I get to have a 6-week holiday and you dont. Well you can have a 6-week holiday too - Just follow these 3 easy steps:

1. Quit your well paying job

2. Start volunteering somewhere (if possible pick an interesting location: one without running water, that is sweltering hot, with a high cost of living, culturally different, medically dangerous and uses a foreign language or two)

3. Do a part time degree while you are in this fun location (which entails flying internationally to write exams twice a year)

...and at the end of the year you will be entitled to a 6-week break.

Easy aint it?

So when I tell you just how AMAZING these past 6 weeks have been then I'm not exaggerating. I have been able to catch up on all the movies that have come and gone, I have been able to sleep LATE and not be woken by the cheery shouting of our kids at 6am. I havn't had to worry about exams and studying. I have had hot showers and I've eaten foods that I cant get in Pemba. But mainly I've done nothing. Its been great.

BUT I'm not a total sloth - There has been the application for a DIRE (ID for Foreign Residents) so that I can reside in Mozambique without having to adhear to the "3-monthly exit the country or else you pay a $50 per day fine" rule; I've been sorting out the paperwork for exporting a large object (more about this in the next post); shopping for items that will improve my life (microwave, tinned foods, kitchen utensils etc) and visiting with family and friends! (And I registered for this semester at university again - I'm a glutton for punishement I know: Linguistics, Classical Culture, Latin & Modern Hebrew... what was I thinking!?!)

I'll be heading back to Mozambique on February 3rd, its only a week away BUT I'm really looking forward to getting home and back to work. I have such an excitement for this year, I can hardly wait to get started on all the projects I've got in my head!

Monday, January 08, 2007


Welcome to the NEW YEAR!

I have made a little video of Christmas at our Zimpeto Center in Maputo BUT I'm still waiting for permission from SONY/ATV Publishing for permission to use the music with it (seeing they hold the copyright and all that).
PLEASE watch this space - as soon as I get permission I will put up the clip right here! Hopefull they approve it soon...

I hope that you will enjoy accompanying me on my travels this year...

Hopefully I'll be visiting Malawi, Sudan, DR Congo and of course I'll be travelling around Mozambique...

Our 'Houses' project will be launched this year too - drilling for water and building accomodation for orphans - I'm so excited about this!!!

Then I will also be starting a 'sound training program' for the older kids (16-18) at our Zimpeto centre - I will be doing a certificate/diploma level course with them, equipping them with a skill and a qualification that they can use in their futures.

I think I will have an interesting year - I trust you will enjoy every moment of yours!