Thursday, May 29, 2008

Coming Soon... HS8!

Just a few days to go before HS8 kicks off! Things are a-buzz here in sunny Pemba as the students start trickling in AND to add to all the excitement it is Children's Day on June 1st, so we are gearing up for a busy busy weekend. (Yippee for a public holiday on Monday though!)

I have practically finished preparing all the sound systems - just a few more cables to make - and I also have to move ALL the sound stuff that is currently nicely stored in my house mate's room back to the sound room, seeing as she is coming back this sunday... :-) But all in all it's looking good, and I'm really excited to see what life changing things happen in this school!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cool Nights

Back in Pemba and things are cooling down quite a bit! The nights are chilly enough for me to switch off my fan and snuggle up under a thin blanket! Its lovely!!!

At the moment I am busy preparing for the next Harvest School of Missions (HS8), getting all the sound systems upgraded and ready for the many many outreaches we will be doing. I am also 'on staff' for this school, meaning that I will be more involved with the actual running of the school and all the programs that will be offered. It will be a busy time (as usual), but I am looking forward to a brilliant, uplifting and encouraging school - is all kicking off June 2!

My other big job is getting the church system installed, but this is proving to be a bit of a challenge - part of the floor of the church will have to be dug up to lay a pipe with all the cables running to the stage. A fairly straightforward task, but getting hold of the maintenance guy is a like playing cat & mouse! But I hope to have that done before the students arrive...

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Slideshow: Road Trip... Pemba to Pretoria

Here is a short little 'video' of the road from my recent 4-day road trip from Mozambique to South Africa!

(The name labels you see are just more or less where we were when the photo was taken...)