Monday, March 01, 2010

Time Flies!

I can hardly believe that it's March already! The past two months has flown past so so quickly... it's kinda scary when I realize that my first uni assignments are due this week and exams are practically around the corner!

My new job (the one I started in January) is going really well - I'm learning lots and lots everyday, and working very hard :-) You can read about my adventures on my other blog...

Other than that there is nothing really new or interesting in my life, basically just work, study, eat and sleep. My roommate is getting married at the beginning of April, so she has moved out and took her TV with her - I am all alone in a quiet appartment now :-( LOL! They did however give me a whole bag full of books to make up for taking the TV, so I am keeping myself entertained with reading instead of movies... but it's just not quite the same is it?

Till next time!