Monday, June 25, 2007


Its taken me a while to proccess it and get to a point where I was OK writing it down - so here goes!

Saturday June 16 was a regular day off, I woke up late and then Jessie and I made pancakes (both American and South African versions) and we went over to 'Mantown' and had breakfast with the guys - then some of our boys offered to wash my car! Plans were made to take one of the boys, Luis, to Murrebue Beach, about 20mins away from Pemba - it was his birthday and it would be a treat for him and a few of his friends.

We set off at noon, and the boys piled out the car, Bala in tow with a soccor ball and much laughter. They ran down to the water and I decided to take a walk down the beach with Bala - Jessie and I talked for a bit, trying to decide if it was safer to leave my car keys in her bag at the restaurant or to take them with me. I took them with me. I also had my phone with me, so I clipped it all together and hooked in on the inside of my trousers. My mp3 player I tucked into my underware. Bala on the rope I set off down the beach. I love walking here - its desrted, and stretches for miles. There were some fishermen out in their little dugout canoes and a few of them had already beached and dragged their boats up the sand dunes.

I had walked for nearly 2km down the beach when I thought it was about time I turned around - Bala was being SO cute, chasing the little crabs - she'd cornered one but it was standing its ground - defending itself with tiny tiny pinchers. (Bala finally gave up)

I had passed many fishermen sitting on their boats while I was walking down the beach - but now they had already left for the village. There were just 2 little boats still out in the water, and they were also heading towards land.

One of the other missionaries, Papa Joel, was also out for a walk - coming towards me - we stopped, said a few words and then I continued on back to the restaurant where Jessie and the boys where playing. I had hardly gone more than 100m when I drew level with the 2 fisherman, and 4 guys started walking down towards the water. They sort of cut infront of me, and they were scared of the dog - so I thought they were the fishermen's buddies - going to help them beach the boats.

Then I saw the knives - long bladed machetes. The ring leader was wearing a red shirt. He pointed to my earphones, I looked up the beach towards the restaurant fro help. No one. So I started screaming. They pushed me down into the water and I struggled. I bit, scratched and kicked for all I was worth. Beside me Bala was barking and (biting I hope). Suddenly they were gone. Running up over the dune and into the bush. In shock I look around me. To the side the 2 fishermen are still at sea, behind me Papa Joelie was running towards me. I glance down at my waistband and I realise they got my car keys and phone. I get up and run. And run and run and run and run. When I am exhausted I double check that they really had stolen my stuff. I discover my mp3 player still tucked in my underware. But they have my car keys. MY CAR. My car, its parked next to the restaurant, no one will be watching it - they'll try to steal my car. I have to get back. I have to run. One the last dregs of adrenaline I start running again. I'm soaked, covered in sand and my trousers were not designed for jogging on the beach.

I see Jessie, she looking confused becuase Bala is running loose, and I'm running... The wind kept snatching my words and blowing them back towards the ocean. Finally she hears me, 'I was mugged, they have my keys', over and over I say this. I run past her to the parking lot. My car is there, no one is around. I just sit down on the sand.

Papa Joel had tried to keep up with me, but I was to fast for him. He tells me that they were kicking me, and hitting me with their knives - I found the bruises later. Bala's nose was bleeding and she was suddenly very aggressive towards Mozambucan men carrying implements - she also wouldn't let me go anywhere without following me.

~ 1 Week Later ~

I am OK now, for the first few days afterwards I didnt want to leave the house, when I tried, the world closed in on me and I would focus on the shadows and all the banditos that could possibly jump out at me. Kids scared me. Men wearing red scared me. So many people prayed for me - and I am so thankful for that!

I went back to Murrebue this past Saturday - this time walking down the same stretch of beach with 5 men and carrying a huge machete of my own. I was OK - but it will still be a while before I walk anywhere near the beach alone... which is a shame cos I used to love walking with Bala on Pemba beach in the evenings before it got dark.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Driving Fun!

Outreach last night was amazing – well it was a normal outreach after a normal stressy day, but the drive there just made me SO happy! I loaded the sound systems; my 3 helpers jumped in the back and off we went to a place that was 'not to far away'. 40km down the road we turn off onto a dirt track and what a dirt track it was!!! Treacherous sand, a rocky riverbed, 2 hills to climb - 4x4 heaven!!! It was fun – and what made me even happier was the fact that after the outreach I would get to do it all over again!!! J

Friday, June 01, 2007

Children's Day - June 1

The outreach last night went well, my little Media Player worked wonderfully! Yay, we have finally eliminated DVDs and DVD players from the movie showing process. Goodbye scratched DVDs, goodbye broken dusty DVD players!!! Now I just am praying that the teams will have some respect for these little $1000 pieces of equipment... they look after the projectors really well, so there is hope.

The sound systems are looking better everyday, slowly but surely order is being restored and I think that I could quite possibly be ready for next Tuesday!

In the meantime, its Children's day today and all the kids are going to get presents and a chicken dinner. There will be games and their rooms are being decorated! My roomie was in charge of organizing it all - and its a LOT of work, I think shes been more stressed than me - also she's still in charge of ALL the kids and there are a few who are sick at the moment, and yesterday she had to leave our 4 month old baby, Natalia, at the hospital because she has malaria and they need to put her on an IV with quinine. Jessie was devastated, the hospital is a fairly scary place... not to the standard of a western hospital, so we are just hoping that Baby Natalia will be OK.

Then with Children's Day, there is the hope that the clothes we are giving to the kids fit, that they will like the clothes we give them and that when lunch is served to the 2000 people that are coming to the center today there will not be riots (and that the chicken doesnt run out before the people all received). But it should be a fun day - and its for the kids, so I hope they enjoy it too!

Tomorrow will finally be a day off - after 11 straight days without a break I am sure ready for one!!! We are planning a trip to the beach, Murrebue, and just doing nothing all day!